In 6.2 if you create a project with archetype 10 and deploy it on aem the bundle remains in installed state coz.
javax.inject,version=[0.0,1) — Cannot be resolved
Continue readingIn 6.2 if you create a project with archetype 10 and deploy it on aem the bundle remains in installed state coz.
javax.inject,version=[0.0,1) — Cannot be resolved
Continue readingWhen dialog is opened the checkbox should be selected by default.
Steps to achieve this in touch ui
Continue readingAEM provides OOTB multi-field in which only one widget/field can be configured as part of the multi-field.
For example, have a look at the OOTB list component
setStatic/items/well/items/pages) which only has a single field in a multifield.
In most cases this might not suffice your requirement. You might need a composite multi-field with 2 or more fields as part of the multi-field.
To achieve this there are multiple options. You can choose to go with either of them.