Context-Aware Configurations (CAC) in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) provide a way to manage configurations for an AEM application in a flexible and context-aware manner. They allow developers to define and manage configuration settings that can vary depending on different countries or regions. So what are the benefits of CAC and why should we use them?
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A 3rd party jar is one which is not present as a bundle in AEM OSgI. If you want to use API’s from a 3rd party jar in AEM then it needs to be added to AEM OSGI.
If you try to upload a 3rd party jar in osgi then it won’t, get uploaded. To upload it in osgi it needs to be osgi specific with MANIFEST.MF file. OSGI bundle is nothing but jar with file.
Continue readingIn 6.2 if you create a project with archetype 10 and deploy it on aem the bundle remains in installed state coz.
javax.inject,version=[0.0,1) — Cannot be resolved
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